The VJamm 3 Preferences Window gives you control of your video output settings and a number of other general program settings:
Screen Display Mode
The settings in the Screen Display Mode section control how VJamm outputs your video. VJamm can use either TV-out overlay or secondary extended desktop style display.
To get your video out of VJamm first make sure that you have set up your graphics card drivers correctly to output on your chosen device eg. connect a video mixer and make sure you can see your desktop on this output.
For Direct X TV-out overlay you need to make sure that you have it enabled on your card. If you have theatre mode you should switch it on. Enable TV Out Overlay in the VJamm Preferences window and restart VJamm.
For extended desktop style output select 'Enable Secondary Output' in the VJamm Preferences window and restart VJamm
VJamm Composition Size (Pro Only)
The VJamm Composition Size determines the units for placement of clips around the screen and the size that your compositions will be rendered at. The Preview Window can be set to follow the aspect ratio of the Composition size if desired.
Preview Window Aspect Ratio (Pro Only)
The aspect ratio of the VJamm Preview window can be set to follow composition size aspect ratio or controlled manualy here by entering an aspect ratio eg. 4:3 or 16:9
Note that in Direct X TV-out overlay the aspect ratio of the preview window affects the TV output aspect ratio.
Default Beats per clip
The number of beats that clips will be auto assigned on loading
BPM Jog amount
The number of BPM that will be added to or subtracted from the VJamm BPM when you press = or - to jog VJamm forwards or backwards
Constrain Movement
Keep clips within the current composition size - so no zooming in to clips or having them fall off the edge of the visible composition.
Disable TAB key
Switch off the VJamm TAB to fullscreen keystroke so you don't do it accidentally in gigs.
Auto Standby
Automatically go to standby when you click away from VJamm to another application.
Live Patch Loading
With live patch loading enabled VJamm loads patches around playing clips so you can leave a clip playing through a patch load. Any clips playing will not be loaded from the new patch.
Show Loading Screen
If you do not use live patch loading you can have VJamm display a loading screen during patch loads. When this option is enabled VJamm displays
'Loading.bmp' from the same folder as the VJamm .exe during non-live patch loads.
Soft Luma ColourSwap
Perform RGB BGR colourswaps in software rather than hardware. (fixes a graphics card bug on some old graphics cards)
Load Long Clips Silent
Loads longer clips silent rather than preloading a lot of audio which takes a long time.
Load all clips silent
Fast silent loading of all clips
Select clips on PC triggers
To have the VJamm clip selection
follow triggered clips from the PC keyboard.
Bluescreen Background
Set the VJamm background (behind all clips) to Chroma Key Blue for later keying.
Rendering (Pro Only)
VJamm Rendering allows you to record and render compositions. Audio is recorded live to the chosen Scratch Disk during VJamm render recordings, so you can add other audio to your composition for final render-recording in VJamm. Check your sound card settings for 'what you hear' 'stereo mix' to make sure you record your VJamm output. You can preview the render recording and the render itself (if you have enough resources).
Thumbnails from:
You can have VJamm take clip thumbnails from the beginning or the middle of clips (sometimes the first frame will be black so middle frames can be better).
Key Letter Settings
The VJamm clipslots can be named with either PC Keyboard letters or MIDI notes (be careful if your keyboard has a different layout to the english one eg. AZERTY and ZWERTY).