VJamm Blueprint - VJ Software
Front Page
Keyboard Controls
Configuration Window
  - Display Options
  - Misc Options
  - Midi Options
  - Capture Options
Library Window
Library Tools Window
Vision Mixer Window
Parameter Window
  - Object Panel
  - Array Panel
  - Position and Movement
  - Colour and Alpha
  - Surface Panel
  - Text Panel
  - FreeFrame Panel
Main Window
  - Controls Panel
  - Dieback Panel
  - Filter Panel
Snapshot Triggers Window
Text Bank window
Midi Window
Hands Free Window
Rendering Controls Window
Online Forum
The Surface Panel
When in 2D 'Original' mode. (see object panel)

For both Horizontal and Vertical directions, there are:
  • Two buttons for decreasing and increasing the tiling 1 step at a time
  • A slider for controlling tiling more rapidly.
  • Toggle buttons for 'mirroring' and 'flipping' the image.
When in 3D mode. (see object panel)

You have similar controls as in 2D mode for tiling, except that the mirroring can only be activated both vertically and horizontally simultaneously.

Also there is the option of switching between tiling and stretching per axis.
When stretching is enabled, the slider for that axis represents the amount of stretch.

To the right of the 'Tiling' options is the 'Crop Option' panel.

The crop option is required due to the nature of using video on 3D objects.
The mapping of 3D surfaces is normally restricted to square images and preset sizes. Since most video is rectangler we have to decide which part of the orignal video we want to use. Blueprint automatically selects the best preset size, and defaults to using footage from the middle of the video clip.

But you can override this by using the 'Crop Option' to select from one of nine pre-set positions.

Below these you have the 'Surface Control' panel.
Here you can offset the position (X,Y) and angle (A) of the video on the 3D surface and also use the 'Speed' controls to add movement to the surface.

The 'Reset All' button repositions and cancels any surface movement.
VJamm Blueprint © Camart Ltd.